Deep Illusion
Over more than a decade of painting illusionary images I always wanted to be able to develop this concept to accommodate the random insertion of objects and landscapes from daily life. However, rendering illusions with depth is not an easy task and it bothered me quite a lot. Then in 1985 I mixed objects and background space together, barely producing illusion paintings, to which I added realistic things including trees, clouds, birds in the sky, rivers, lakes, human figures, and ocean horizons to impart the illusion of greater depth. At the same time, I employed various gravitational forces to imply different directions so as to represent different dimensions. These realms appeared from left, right, up, down, front, and back, usurping the received experience whereby space surrounds solid entities. The purpose in doing this was to destroy the concept of solid entities being surrounded by boundless space. Unfortunately, it was necessary to employ illusionary devices, which in the final analysis cannot represent the actual physical realm. (Written by Su Hsin-tien and translated by David J. Toman)
八方水共一世界 Watery World
油畫、棉布 Oil on Cotton 192 x 257cm 1989
藝術家自藏 Artist Collection
強重力場吸走了弱風景 Strong Gravitational Field Sucks Away Weak Landscape
油畫、棉布 Oil on Cotton 192 x 257cm 1989
藝術家自藏 Artist Collection
天近地遠夏日黃昏 Summer Dusk, Heaven and Earth Switch Places
油畫、棉布 Oil on Cotton 192 x 257cm 1989
藝術家自藏 Artist Collection
錯時空壓在寒鄉上 Time-space Confusion Over Winter Village
油畫、棉布 Oil on Cotton 192 x 257cm 1989
藝術家自藏 Artist Collection
游在虛實有無中 Between Substance and Vacuity, Being and Nothingness
油畫、棉布 Oil on Cotton 192 x 257cm 1989
藝術家自藏 Artist Collection
虛實變換顛倒景象 Substance and Emptiness Overturned
油畫、棉布 Oil on Cotton 121 x 121cm 1987
藝術家自藏 Artist Collection
天地重造 Celestial Reordering
油畫、棉布 Oil on Cotton 121 x 121cm 1987
藝術家自藏 Artist Collection
空間虛實的決鬥 Life and Death Battle of Substance and Vacuity
油畫、棉布 Oil on Cotton 121 x 121cm 1987
藝術家自藏 Artist Collection
殘山破岸虛實若幻 Flickering Fractured Landscapes
油畫、棉布 Oil on Cotton 121 x 121cm 1987
藝術家自藏 Artist Collection
山水轉換 Mountains and Water Swapped
油畫、棉布 Oil on Cotton 121 x 121cm 1987
藝術家自藏 Artist Collection
山轉水換日落帆 Mountains Into Water, Sails in Sunset
油畫、棉布 Oil on Cotton 121 x 121cm 1987
藝術家自藏 Artist Collection