2007年5月5日 星期六


Multi-dimensional World

Having painted too many illusionary works I became tired of painting anything associated with the topic of alternating tangible entities and emptiness. I began imagining phenomena whereby spatial warping was engendered due to the effects of gravity in different universes. During the period I was painting deep illusions, multiple gravitational realms appeared in the same picture. By 1990, I no longer wished to use illusionary devices, but a suitable method was necessary to link landscapes of multi-dimensional worlds together in the same picture. I began by constantly probing into intuitive sketches, so that worlds at all sorts of different angles could both overlap and be differentiated at the same time, and that they would appear to naturally connect and flow together. Having pursued this extensively, I came up with principles for governing perspective, where multi-dimensional worlds flow together, objects gradually change shape or distort, and the gravitational focal point must be set. Most of these paintings were rendered out of landscapes with horizon lines, so I had to consider painting light and shadows. I decided clarity or blurriness of colors, textures, and object outlines would vary depending on need at the given time, but that was not the main focus.(Written by Su Hsin-tien and translated by David J. Toman)

26大地扭轉重力多變Earth Overturned, Varying Gravity

大地扭轉重力多變 Earth Overturned, Varying Gravity
油畫、麻布 Oil on Linen 136 x 173cm 1995
私人收藏 Private Collection

27乾坤動後春來了Universe Moved, Spring Arrives

乾坤動後春來了 Universe Moved, Spring Arrives
油畫、麻布 Oil on Linen 136 x 173cm 1999
私人收藏 Private Collection

28野營、羊群、斜陽、海風Camping, Goats, Sunset and Sea Breeze

野營、羊群、斜陽、海風 Camping, Goats, Sunset and Sea Breeze
油畫、麻布 Oil on Linen 172 x 209cm 1992
臺北市立美術館典藏 Collection of Taipei Fine Arts Museum

29天旋地轉秋日色Autumn Earth Spinning

天旋地轉秋日色 Autumn Earth Spinning
油畫、麻布 Oil on Linen 172 x 209cm 1991
國立台灣美術館收藏 Collection of National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts

30艷陽下的彎曲海面Distorted Sea Under Hot Sun

豔陽下的彎曲海面 Distorted Sea Under Hot Sun
油畫、麻布 Oil on Linen 172 x 209cm 1991
藝術家自藏 Artist Collection

31青山綠水田野多重交會Undulating Mountains and Seas

青山綠水田野多重交會 Undulating Mountains and Seas
油畫、麻布 Oil on Linen 172 x 209cm 1992
藝術家自藏 Artist Collection

32流形的山河大地Flowing Land and River

流形的山河大地 Flowing Land and River
油畫、麻布 Oil on Linen 172 x 209cm 1999
藝術家自藏 Artist Collection

33內即是外的房子House: Interior is Exterior

內即是外的房子 House: Interior is Exterior
油畫、麻布 Oil on Linen 172 x 209cm 1991
藝術家自藏 Artist Collection

34乾坤轉晨昏變Universe Overturned, Dawn and Dusk Swapped

乾坤轉晨昏變 Universe Overturned, Dawn and Dusk Swapped
油畫、麻布 Oil on Linen 136 x 173cm 1997
藝術家自藏 Artist Collection

35升天入地高速路Highway to Heaven and Earth

升天入地高速路 Highway to Heaven and Earth
油畫、麻布 Oil on Linen 126 x 172cm 1995
藝術家自藏 Artist Collection


