Cyclical Horizons
Cyclical horizons, curved lines, can be divided into two types: 1. Curved and closed lines; 2. curved but unclosed vortices or horizon lines. These two varieties can be extended and developed to produce multiple variations, expressing different directions as gravity turns. For instance, viewing the earth from space one's perspective on three-dimensional buildings changes in accordance with the horizon and gravity.
When various curved horizon lines are placed in the same picture and the land can be connected together, this type of painting is categorized as "cyclical horizons." I feel that cyclical horizons more effectively express the concept of the curving and cyclical time and space of the universe. (Written by Su Hsin-tien and translated by David J. Toman)
當水平線圍成圓圈時 When the Horizon is Circled
油畫、麻布 Oil on Linen 136 x 173cm 2001
藝術家自藏 Artist Collection
油畫、麻布 Concave Cycle Oil on Linen 173 x 173cm 2006
藝術家自藏 Artist Collection 139
單旋水平線 Single Slanted Horizon
油畫、麻布 Oil on Linen 136 x 173cm 2005
藝術家自藏 Artist Collection
曲面橫接 Joined Curved Plane
油畫、麻布 Oil on Linen 173 x 173cm 2005
藝術家自藏 Artist Collection
雙圓水平線 Double-U Horizon
油畫、麻布 Oil on Linen 136 x 173cm 2005
藝術家自藏 Artist Collection
雙層天地 Double Heaven and Earth
油畫、麻布 Oil on Linen 73 x 91cm 2006
私人收藏 Private Collection
內外互圍的物體 Objects Entwined
油畫、麻布 Oil on Linen 82 x 106cm 1993
私人收藏 Private Collection
三旋水平線 Triple Whirling Horizon
油畫、麻布 Oil on Linen 130 x 173cm 2005
私人收藏 Private Collection
渦形水平線 Swirly Horizon
油畫、麻布 Oil on Linen 136 x 173cm 2006
藝術家自藏 Artist Collection